Module 1: Tour Guide Training Our goal is for this course to be a positive asset for training volunteers that the volunteers find the touring experience interesting and rewarding. We also hope that they become so enthused that they pass this experience to their friends and encourage them to join the Tour Committee. When the Friends of Fintry Society was formed, the Manor House and the Barn Complex were without any furnishings. Over the years, with the help of many volunteers, partners and curator Dan Bruce, friends have been loaned and donated collections. With the assistance of Rod Stuart and his family we were able to recover several pieces of original furniture, books and household items. The Kelowna Museum returned the surviving taxidermy specimens, notably the Kodiak bear, now the center-piece of the Trophy Room. Visitors today see a mix of original and recently acquired material, donated and purchased, that makes an informative tour possible. Additional objects, specially chosen, represent themes that were of interest to James Dun-Waters, such as the Yukon back pack and the original horseshoes on the interior doors. The collection includes the Fairbridge Reference Library, with an emphasis on agriculture and horticulture. James Dun-Waters was a man of varied interests, and his restored domain exemplifies that fascination with the world around him. Upon successful completion of this course you are able to complete: Module 2: The Manor House Module 3: The Octagonal Barn Module 4: Fintry History
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app