Step back in time!
The Friends of Fintry Provincial Park Society has been a registered non-profit society since 2000. The members want to see Dun-Waters’ legacy restored, protected – and shared with the public. There are over 200 Friends, mostly from the Okanagan Valley but some from as far away as California and Scotland.
The Friends are involved in research, restoration of buildings and grounds, building the Fintry archives, work bees, fund-raising, and recovering as many of Dun-Waters’ belongings as possible.
Donations are always welcome and a great way to share “Dun-Waters’ Dream”. All donations go directly to the maintenance of the Fintry Estate and the Dun-Waters collection.
Vision & Mission
The Mission of the Friends of Fintry Provincial Park Society is to create an environment that allows park visitors and participants to engage in recreational and educational opportunities that develop a greater understanding of their heritage, the lifestyles of their forebears, the household and farming practices, and the skills and knowledge that sustained them.
The Manor House, 1930s
To assist with the management of the cultural and historic resources of Fintry Provincial Park in cooperation with BC Parks.
To preserve, maintain and restore projects for the education of the public and to further the vision of the Society.
To assist in preserving and restoring cultural features, facilities and practices of the Fintry Estate.
We offer authentic and transformative experiences for visitors and participants in an environmental and socially sustainable manner for future generations.
The Laird of Fintry with his curling broom
The Friends of Fintry Society
Created a Fairbridge Reference Library dedicated to the site and agriculture in general;
Returned the sundial pedestal to its original location and added a replacement sundial;
Is constantly adding to the collections that re-furnish the Manor House and provide a background representing the way of life of the British landed gentry;
Offers field trips and in-class presentations for local schools and special-interest groups; (Email us for more information)
Offers guided tours of the Manor House and the octagonal barn during the summer months;
Work in partnership with BC Parks and the Regional District of Central Okanagan to upgrade and maintain the historical buildings on the site.
Fintry delta, 1930s
Volunteer and join the Friends of Fintry
Friends are involved in research, restoration of buildings and grounds, building the Fintry archives, work bees, fund raising and more. Please let us know how you’d like to help!
Honorary Lifetime Memberships
Two of our long time Board members are retiring. Also, recognition was given to our curator for 21 years with the Friends of Fintry. We were delighted to present them with Honorary Lifetime Memberships at our 2023 AGM. Congratulations Dan, Gwendy and John!
Curling at the mouth of Shorts’ Creek
Board of Directors
Kathy Drew, President
Michael Berry, Vice President
Tricia Berry, Secretary
Kari Hughes, Treasurer
Rosemary Carter
James Dawson
Diane Gulbransen, Tours
Roy Lysholt, Maintenance
Cadi Middleton
Don Plant, Publicity
Jason Satterthwaite
Jean Lysholt, Treasurer
Dan Bruce
Business Manager
Jaimie Dewar
Friends of Fintry Membership Meeting Schedule
Our Partners
Regional District of Central Okanagan is an important partner, supporting the Friends of Fintry with an annual grant of operating funding to support the Curator position.
The Friends of Fintry’s most critical partnership is with BC Parks. Over the years, BC Parks has funded and carried out numerous repairs and renovations at the Fintry Heritage site. The most recent renovation was the development of a caretaker suite, rooms for summer students and a commercial prep kitchen.
Okanagan Spirits in Vernon has partnered with the Friends of Fintry to produce the Laird of Fintry (Dun-Waters) single-malt whisky. They have replicated the label that Dun-Waters used on his whisky bottles, and both bottles (old and new) are on display and discussed during tours.
Vision & Mission
The Mission of the Friends of Fintry Provincial Park Society is to create an environment that allows park visitors and participants to engage in recreational and educational opportunities that develop a greater understanding of their heritage, the lifestyles of their forebears, the household and farming practices, and the skills and knowledge that sustained them.
Total number of campsites
Total front country sites: 158
Total vehicle-accessible sites: 161
Total groupsites: 3
This park is proudly operated by: Kaloya Contracting Ltd. camping@campokanagan.ca
236-970-7815 Specify park name.